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Handbook Essentials

Abbreviated Schedule/Snow Days

In the event of bad weather, sometimes APS will declare an Abbreviated Day. When this happens, students will report to school at 10:40 a.m. Students will be dismissed at the regular time of 4:10 p.m. Please be aware that the Before School Program and all PreK programs will be CANCELED in the event of an abbreviated day.

APS School Attendance Guidelines

If your child is unable to attend school, please dial 877-9718 ext 39000.

Attending school regularly helps all students, whether receiving general or special education services, develop skills and habits they will need tp succeed as adults. APS provides instruction 184 of the 365 days in a year. This provides students with limited time to learn all that is needed at each grade level so they can successfully and confidently proceed to the next school year and beyond. Significant changes were made to State Law regarding student attendance during the 2019 legislative session for the 2020-2021 school year. APS policy will be adjusted to follow the new regulations. Please check the APS website for updated information.

All Absences

  • An enrolled student is chronically absent if they have missed 10% or more of the academic year, for any reason (excused or unexcused). This amounts to approximately two (2) or more days of school within a month (excused or unexcused).
  • A student must attend more than half of the school day in which they are enrolled to be considered present for the day.
  • Schools will support students with interventions to help stop excessive absences.

For more information go to the links listed above.

Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up

  • School grounds are only supervised during the school day (8:25 A.M. – 4:25 P.M.).
  • Students shall not be dropped off before 8:25 A.M. and students shall be picked up within fifteen (15) minutes of the end of the instructional day.
  • Pajarito Staff is not available for on-site student supervision till 8:25 A.M., so for safety issues please do NOT drop off your child before this time. Breakfast is only served between 8:40 A.M. and 8:55 A.M. Your child needs to be at school within this time period in order to participate. Breakfast is considered instructional time; therefore if your child is not in class by 8:40 A.M., then your child will be considered tardy.
  • If extenuating circumstances prevent a family from picking up a student on time, the school shall be notified within fifteen minutes of the end of the instructional day.
  • If the problem continues, the student may be considered abandoned and the police may be notified and such children may be subject to transportation to a designated state shelter.
  • Please reference the Student Behavior Handbook available upon registration and at

Dress Code

Pajarito Elementary School complies with the APS Dress Code which specifies:

  • obscene or violent language or images

  • depictions of alcohol or drugs or other illegal item or activity

  • racist content, hate speech, profanity or pornography

  • accessories that could be considered dangerous or used as a weapon.

In addition:

  • For safety reasons, Heelys or any other shoes with wheels should not be worn to school.
  • Students are encouraged to wear athletic shoes for PE.

In the event of a dress code violation, parents will be contacted. If the situation is correctable at school, the students will make the necessary changes. If the student needs a change of clothing, he/she will wait in the office until a parent or guardian provides and appropriate change of clothing.

Use of Personal Electronic Devices

Pajarito Elementary complies with the APS policy regarding the acceptable use of technology at school.

  • The student who possesses a personal electronic device shall be solely responsible for its care.
  • Student possession of personal electronic devices on all school campuses, and school buses, at school-sponsored activities and while the student is under the supervision and control of school district employees shall be permitted. All students may use these devices on campus before school begins and after school ends.
  • These devices shall be kept out of sight and powered off or silenced during the school day (8:40 - 4:10) and during any school-sponsored activity meeting or practice held on Albuquerque Public Schools property. The requirement that personal electronic devices be turned off may not apply in the following circumstances when the student obtains prior approval from the principal or his/her designee:
    • The student has a special medical circumstance for self or family member.
    • The student is using the device for an educational or instructional purpose with the teacher’s permission and supervision.
  • Personal electronic devices shall be permitted on school buses, as authorized by the driver, unless use of the personal electronic device causes a disruption on the school bus.
  • Student use of personal electronic devices shall be prohibited in areas including classrooms, bathrooms, and playground.
  • Students shall not use personal electronic devices on school property or at a school-sponsored activity to access and/or view internet websites that are otherwise blocked to students at school. Blocked sites include, but are not limited to social networking sites
  • Student use of personal electronic devices that disrupt the instructional day may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the personal electronic device. When a personal electronic device is confiscated, it shall only be released and/or returned to the student’s parent/legal guardian. It is the student’s parent/legal guardian’s responsibility to retrieve the device according to school procedures.